Recent content by Adeleine

  1. Adeleine

    Format Discussion Past Gens Random Battle Sets

    i clicked stoss with it fairly often when the format was new, but if it's changed since then idk. stoss usually outdamages iron head in my experience, especially because everything has some defense EVs. twave + iron head regi especially struggles to dent stuff that resists steel, and way more...
  2. Adeleine

    Serious The Politics Thread

    i agree that the 5% is functionally an overrepresentation right now but i'm pretty skeptical that the parties will be able to make him unacceptable when they swung and missed on trump there i tepidly feel like he will just attract the same type of voters as he does now, but (assuming nothing...
  3. Adeleine

    hi bp

    hi nya
  4. Adeleine

    Post your searing hot takes

    All totally reasonable reasons. I have theoretical answers to these points (tldr: magic is indeed deeper but melee also has depth), but they all require taking in a lot of information, so all I’ll note is that there’s a very good and helpful wiki if you ever decide to come back, which could...
  5. Adeleine

    Serious The Politics Thread

    The discussion here provides especially good reasoning for why we shouldn't use the nazis as the barometer for what constitutes a genocide or not, wrt israel and generally speaking, and the harms that come from this practice being so common in the united states (and possibly elsewhere). The...
  6. Adeleine

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    ill be honest i dont see the cowboys as a real playoff team lol, right around middle of the pack 15th best to me. i really expect div rival vikes to be scarier than boys, but i expect that every year and i havent been right every time. at any rate yeah fair enough with the seahawks! i also...
  7. Adeleine

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    awfully back-loaded schedule for yall, not just in divisional games, but in difficulty too. i would pin green bay, buffalo, and sf as 3 of the 6 best teams and you get them almost back to back. at least two of them are at home! on the bright side, though, i think a 6-1 or 7-0 start is pretty...
  8. Adeleine

    Post your searing hot takes

    I think this give GOI an unfair shake. I don't even really think GOI is a "bad controls" game as people often say: its controls are what prevents the game from being trivially easy, they are the foundation of the game and not an unnecessary add-on to a normally functional game. I think it's...
  9. Adeleine

    Post your searing hot takes

    I sympathize with your complaints–one of the two rougelikes I enjoy, Balatro, is pretty susceptible to seed issues and "why couldn't this be deliberately designed" at higher difficulties. They also gave me new perspective on my favorite rougelike, ADOM. I hadn't explicitly realized this, but...
  10. Adeleine

    Unpopular opinions

    My unpopular opinion is that gen4 cross evos are, overall, a net negative. As far as battling, i think they're a mixed bag. They're often better, sure, but often not in ways that are fun. (List of cross-evo Pokemon: Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Happiny, Tangrowth, Mime Jr., Electivire...
  11. Adeleine

    Media What is the best game, uncontested, youd die on that hill proudly

    As a competitive Ultimate player, I can't agree myself. If you're still staying with your view, that's all good, just putting a different perspective on the game out there. As a single-player experience, the game suffers from the relatively mediocre single-player content. Everyone's already...
  12. Adeleine

    [FOR THE GIRLS] Think of a Gal.

    in unrelated news grats on smod (smogoff mod) grape tylenol
  13. Adeleine

    [FOR THE GIRLS] Think of a Gal.

    gal who rules over her domain with a crushing, closed fist
  14. Adeleine

    The politics of "glhf"

    im a glhf / u2!! person at heart but i get uncomfortable when people i don't know expect to have a longer conversation with me, which is reasonably likely to happen across multiple battles/people/etc., given i have custom avatar/gvoice/room staffs, so i minimize greetings and respondings to...
  15. Adeleine

    Invalid Update misinformation about sludge wave.

    Gastly (and thus the line) should get Sludge Wave through the Gen 5 Dream World