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  • you have always been kind and grounded and i have always admired your person. i hope you are doing well, jumpluff.
    Such a long time no see! Glad to see you and hope you're doing well!
    Nice Estelle pfp! It's great to see you too after so long, I hope everything is fantastic for you and time has been kind to you. I'm doing better than ever myself :)
    Mademoiselle! May the moon shine brightly on all your midnight escapades!
    Sorry this is so late, but thank you! You always put a smile on my face :D I hope you and your beloved family are well!
    hi jumpluff. i never did return your msg 10 years ago, huh? thanks for wishing me happy birthday. hope you're enjoying your days. let's chitchat again
    hello, haven't spoken to you in a long time. i still remember the days when we hung around irc. hope life is treating you well :D
    Hello there, Miss Alice. I am here reminiscing about the past--I wonder if you remember me (Foreys)? I hope you're well.
    hello! i imagine i will always! :) it made my heart so warm to be remembered by you, thank you. i am well, and happier+healthier nowadays, for which i am super grateful :D

    i've also been reminiscing on here lately... shoddy was a dear ritual for me amidst loneliness, and i loved watching you and others play on it.

    and how have you been? i hope you are surrounded by kindness and beauty, good music and books :)
    I'm glad! I always enjoyed our conversations, and to this day I still think of you and a certain few other Smogon/Shoddybattle members with fondness. These places were also ports in a storm during a lonely part of my life. And I am glad you are happier and healthier these days. I am doing very well, thanks for asking. I must share some of my creations with you sometime. Conversation _not_ over.
    hell0 hell0
    august!!!!!!!!!!!! ilu!!!!!!! i hope you're doing well

    (also, the immortality of your poké career never ceases to amaze)
    A belated Happy Birthday to you, pluff! Hope you're happy and doing well :)
    Remember when I used to notice and comment on you rapidfiring avatars here
    i do it every time i'm on smogon for an extended period of time because being on smogon makes me restless, i was reading old pathfinder stuff
    ahh i see
    i remember when i was new on this site and i posted somewhere that i basically never get a notification (on vbulletin days) and the next day you posted on my wall "notification :)" that was very wholesome of u lul

    you probably don't really know me but i always enjoyed your posts in cong. hope you're doing well!

    - Arikado
    i logged in a few times recently and saw this and jus twanted to thank you, i remember you and your posts very well!! i didn't remember posting that message but it made me smile haha thank you for reminding me. i appreciate that you remember me and that my posts added to your day, i'm doing well and i hope you are too! i hope studying worked out or either way you're living your best life! ^^
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